Friday, May 22, 2009

Daily Journal: Week 14

This is my daily journals for the Week of May 18-22/09.

Daily Journals: Week 13

This is my daily journals for the week of May 11-15/09.

Daily Journals: Week 12

This is my daily journals for the week of May 4-8/09.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Design Brief: A Tool for Enhancing Project Communication

A Bigger Goal:

  • To do the right thing in a right way
  • to diminish the differences between groups by boosting the communication
  • Put into writing what you are planning to do in your project
  • Include what you learn

What is a Design Brief:

  • A document
  • An insurance between parties, may be changed later by the situations
  • A basic description on what is expected. Both parties know approximately what they're entering into and what are they committing to

Content of the Brief:

  • There's more than one correct form
  • Often Design Brief and Project plan are discerned as a same thing
  • Today we're talking about communicational briefs
  • Project plan can be created upon this

Design Brief consists of:

  • Project Background
  • Project type: the unknown in the equation
  • Directing resources
  • Results
  • General facts
  • Tecnhnical info, details
  • Precise Project info
  • Phases
  • Research Areas

Why a Design Brief:

  • The personnel might change
  • Avoid waste of time and resources, if possible
  • Starting is easier and faster
  • Recognize biggest challenges in advance
  • Not rely on intuition and time running o communication between people
  • No surprises with prioritization, expectations and results in project work
  • Things might change, it's important to know what existed in the beginning, to understand and reflect the changes
  • It might save your project, it might be unnecessary; you cannot know in advance!
  • It's better to ask in the beginning

it should be always open to changes (a working document)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Daily Journal: Week 11

This is my Daily journals for Week 11, April 27-May 1/09.